Camp, Conversation, For Kamaji Campers Only, Sleepaway Camp, The Importance of Camp, Thinking Out Loud at the Kamaji Office, Why Summer Camp
I’ve only been a parent for (almost) 10 years. But I have been working alongside, with and for children since 2001. That is a super long time. Longer than most of my staff have been alive. It is the 25 years of camp, the 10 years of being a mom and the fact that...
Camp, For Kamaji Campers Only, The Importance of Camp, Thinking Out Loud at the Kamaji Office, Why Summer Camp
Greetings from Camp Kamaji where it is much too quiet for our liking!! Although summertime has yet to give way to Autumn, the life-and-breath, the heart-and-soul, the campers and staff are no longer in residence. Camp is simply not “camp” – the last of the departing...
Camp, For Kamaji Campers Only
The following Camp Kamaji blog was written by Kamaji’s Assistant Director, Kat Martin: A Camp Kamaji parent recently told us that people describe Kamaji as being “rustic”. Initially, upon hearing this, I was slightly insulted!! “Rustic” . . . I think...
Camp, For Kamaji Campers Only, Thinking Out Loud at the Kamaji Office
• 80% of her summertime clothing is in her tribe color or has the word Kamaji somewhere on it. • Being at home makes her campsick. • She insists that lullabies are not sung; instead they are the call of the loon or the clang of halyard on mast or the sound of...