Thursday’s evening program was really something special. It was the first-ever, Kamaji Float Parade. Each porch group created their own float for the parade, their own song to explain the theme of their float, and their own float costumes. You might be thinking that sounds like a lot of work. That’s why the Float Parade actually started two and a half weeks ago. Time was set aside during each of this session’s three Adventure Days for the porch groups to complete their Float Parade preparation.

961259486_cc7fj-MThursday, the big evening finally arrived. Each porch group lined up with their floats on the stone steps leading down to the waterfront. The Float Parade Drum Majors, completed with twirling batons, blew their whistles and the parade was off. For the next 25 minutes, everyone marched around the Lodge, up to the Arts Village and Archery field, and past the pump and Cabin 3 on their way back to the Lodge. (The parade crowd was a bit thin
simply because all the camper and cabin counselors were in the parade, however, the kitchen staff found the Float Parade quite entertaining.) Once inside the lodge, each group took the stage with their float, their float cheer and, of course, their costumes. The presentations were quite wonderful, as were the floats themselves. The Float Parade ended with a short, joyous dance party. It was pretty, darn terrific.

961259534_tznm2-MQuite honestly, Kamaji’s Directors were more than a little skeptical about this evening program.  As far as we can remember, there’s never been an evening program which took more than, well, an evening. We didn’t really believe that the campers and counselors would remain interested/invested in the Float Parade over a few weeks. Well, we were wrong. Being wrong is what happens every time we underestimate the creativity and enthusiasm of Kamaji’s campers and counselors.  We’ve posted pictures of Kamaji’s Float Parade. We had a bit trouble with the camera and the quality of the pictures isn’t what we hoped, however, you can clearly see the enthusiasm of all involved.

One more program note. On Friday evening, we were treated to the drama program
production of Mama Mia. Congrats to all 31 members of the cast. The performance was
terrific. And, due to scheduling problems and all the wilderness trips, the complete cast was able to rehearse together for a total of 45 minutes. Wow! What a show!

News bits
The Great Spirit continues to smiles upon us. The weather the past few days has been just
about perfect. Mostly sunny, high temps between 75 and 80 degrees. We couldn’t ask for
more summer-like weather than we are currently enjoying!!



Our Wilderness Trip Program winds down this weekend. Cabin 4 Porch 2, Nutshell Porch 6, the eight week Pine Manor campers and a few lucky horseback riders will all have their trips completed by this evening. (There are pictures of Nutshell Porch 6 stop at the famous
Mississippi River Sandhill on Smugmug.)
As Kamaji’s Directors, we always breath a sign of
relief when all the campers have returned to camp safe and sound. We hope each of the
campers enjoyed their camping experience. We imagine you’ll hear about your daughter’s trip in a few days . . . or at least upon her return home.

Well, that’s all for now. We’ll be sending you end of the season news in a couple of days. It’s
hard to believe Kamaji’s 97 season is almost over. Oh well, we’ve still got a lot of camping to do.

Mike, Kathy and Kat

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