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Ed. Note:  If you have Google Earth on your computer, “My Places” will take you many of the mentioned in this note.  You can also get a wonderful look at good ol’ Camp Kamaji.)

Monday was another day of cool, cloudy, drizzly weather so waking up to blue skies and glorious sunshine lifted everyone’s spirit. And the beautiful weather helped us have a wonderful, “first-filled” day.

The first first of the day was the departure of Cabin 2 Porch 1 left on their three day canoe trip.  While going on a canoe wasn’t a first, their destination was.  We’re calling this trip the Upper Upper Mississippi River Trip.  This part of the river is very, very close to Itasca State Park which is the source of the Mighty Mississippi.  This stretch of the river is very remote and beautiful. Kamaji campers have never canoed this part of the river before today.  Our Wilderness trip staff scouted this trip during orientation and thought it would be a hit.  We sure hope the campers will enjoy it.  (The put-in point for this trip is “Upper, Upper Mississippi” on Google Earth).  For you trivia buffs, the Mississippi is actually flowing NORTH from the put in spot.)

Back at camp, today we began Kamaji’s first Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP) activity class.  We mentioned SUP in our first email of the summer, but if you want to see what we’re talking about, check out the first posted picture on Smugmug.  SUP was incredibly popular at this week’s activity sign-up. The classes are filled to capacity.  Soon the campers will soon be zooming across the lake on their SUPs.

Another Kamaji first happened right after dinner.  During the past week of activities the drama program offered Kamaglee.  Campers who signed up, spent three classes rehearing “Mom, I’m a Big Girl Now” from Hairspray.  After dinner the rest of us were treated to a really entertaining  performance. The Kamaglee members received a standing ovation.

In addition to the “firsts”, today was filled to the brim.  As you can see from the Smugmug pictures, Kamaji’s regular instructional activity program was running at full speed.  A group of Cabin 5 campers left this morning on a four day canoe trip to Voyageur’s National Park right on the U.S. – Canada border.  This afternoon the Nutshell Porch 2 campers and counselors left on their wilderness expedition to beautiful Webster Lake.  Both these spots are included in “My Places”

And, oh, by the way, at about 8:15 this evening, the Pine Manor Trippers rolled back into camp after their week long trip to the northwestern’s Ontario’s White Otter Wilderness Area.  They are all smiling.  Can’t wait to hear details about their trips.

Today was a big day around here for another reason.  As you probably know, Kamaji is accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA).  To be accredited, camps must meet scores and scores of ACA standards, covering everything from supervision ratio’s to food service practices to program safety procedures.  Every three years, the ACA conducts an on site visit to make sure their standards are being followed.  Well, today was that day.  Kathy spent countless hours preparing the needed paperwork and readying the staff for today’s visit, and we’re happy to report that Kamaji passed with flying colors.

Wow.  And that was just one day on the shores of Wolf Lake.  We hope your day was as fun-filled as ours.

Mike, Kathy and Kat