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A Personal Observation

I don’t want to brag, but since many of you have been suffering through terrible heat, humidity and violent storms, I thought I’d start with a weather report.  Kamaji weather has been pretty great the past few days.  Thursday and Friday were glorious.  Bright blue skies, high temperatures around 80 degrees and lows in the sixties.  Perfect weather for camp. Saturday was cloudy and cool, but more on that later. The Sunday morning wake-up bell just rang and the sun is breaking out of the clouds.  The forecast is for sun and a high temp in the mid to upper 70’s. Jealous? We hope so.  And that’s the weather report from the shores of Wolf Lake.

We posted pictures on Smugmug taken during Thursday’s and Friday’s evening programs.  Thursday’s program was Shrek Night. As you could see from the pictures, the staff all dressed up in character.  (You probably noticed Will, the maintenance man, as Shrek.)  The campers had to follow clues which took them to different Shrek characters who then gave them parts of the Shrek story.  As with most of these evening programs, it’s the journey rather than the destination which is the most fun.

Friday was such a magnificent day that we couldn’t resist having Open Waterfront in the evening.  (A counselor hunt had been planned, but we’ll do that another night.)  Open Waterfront means that the campers can choose between swimming, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, paddleboarding, playing on the windsurf boards, going to the sandbar on the pontoon boat or going for a ski boat ride. As you can see from Smugmug, there weren’t any bad choices.

When we woke up on Saturday, every weather forecast warned of rain and severe storms all day long.  Bummer.  We quickly planned for some alternatives to the regular activity program. No problem there.  We’ll have Casino Night in the afternoon if it rains.  The biggest disappointment would be an indoor Council Fire program on Saturday night.  It’s just not the same sitting around an imaginary campfire in the lodge.  Anyway, those weather folks didn’t figure on the positive energy of the Kamaji campers and the Great Spirit.  Although we didn’t see much of the sun, it never rained.  Regular activities during the day, an outdoor bar-be-que chicken dinner and, most importantly, Council Fire where we could all watch “the fires leap toward the sky.”  Thanks, Great Spirit.

Before signing off, we invite you to take another look at the Smugmug pictures from Friday night’s  Open Waterfront.  When I put the pictures on-line, I couldn’t help but notice the huge smiles on the faces of the campers.  Whether they were playing in the water, balancing on windsurfing boards or just taking a ski boat ride, the campers seemed to be having the times of their lives. Look again.  I’ll bet those pictures will put a smile on your face, too.  Have a happy Sunday.  We will.

The breakfast bell is ringing.  It’s Sunday morning at Camp Kamaji and on Sunday we have Goo-eeeeey Rolls.  Got to go.

Mike, Kathy and Kat