Camp, Thinking Out Loud at the Kamaji Office, Why Summer Camp
One of the many never-ending tasks we’ve been working on for the upcoming summer — Kamaji’s 96th!! — is a revision of Kamaji’s Songbook. Over Ye Directors’ past 29 summers at Kamaji, we have written, rewritten, revised, re-revised and re-re-revised(‼) songbooks no...
Camp, For Kamaji Campers Only
The following Camp Kamaji blog was written by Kamaji’s Assistant Director, Kat Martin: A Camp Kamaji parent recently told us that people describe Kamaji as being “rustic”. Initially, upon hearing this, I was slightly insulted!! “Rustic” . . . I think...
Thinking Out Loud at the Kamaji Office, Why Summer Camp
Would you not agree that the joys of childhood are incomparably sweet? No matter how old you are or how grown up you act, is there not a part of you that you undoubtedly miss — that of being a kid? Do you not sometimes have a longing for a time that was free of...