Camp, Thinking Out Loud at the Kamaji Office
When I first met Mike, he always talked of owning his own camp. And when we got married, we began the search for our camp. Upon taking ownership of Kamaji, we faced several years of fumbling our way through updating the facility, revamping the program,...
Camp, The Importance of Camp, Thinking Out Loud at the Kamaji Office
Recently someone not connected with camp asked me “Why did you choose a girls’ camp to own?” Truth is, Mike and I did not intentionally choose a girls’ camp over a boys’ camp. When we started out in 1978 to look for a summer camp to own and direct, we had no...
Camp, The Importance of Camp, Thinking Out Loud at the Kamaji Office, Why Summer Camp
Did you know that summer camp is an American invention – with camps becoming more and more widespread 90 to 100 years ago?? As discussed in a 2002 article written by Kay S. Hymowitz titled Notes on Camp, “Back then forward-thinking youth leaders worried about...
Camp, Thinking Out Loud at the Kamaji Office
2009 heralds my 30th(!!) year as co-owner/co-director of Camp Kamaji . . . and my first venture into the social networking world of linked-in, blogging, twittering . . . When Mike and I purchased Kamaji in 1980, the closest we came to technology was the vintage1959...