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First of all, I apologize for not writing more often. We’ve been busy with everyday camp life, and the time just got away from me. I’ll do better this next week. That said let’s review a few of the program highlights from the past week and a half.

We must start with Sunday August 1st. At the end of breakfast, Tribe Day was announced! After much carrying on and cheering, the campers headed off to their cabins. After a brief cabin cleanup it was time to get fired up for Tribe Day. That meant putting on every piece of clothing in your tribe color and maybe adding some face paint to match. After a brief meeting in the Lodge, each camper then headed off to the first of her three activities. Now these weren’t the normal Kamaji activities. For instance, in Dance, two campers from each tribe had to make up and preform a three-legged, three-armed dance. What’s a three-legged, three-armed dance? Well, that where the campers tie one of their legs and one of their arms to their partners leg and arm. In horseback riding, the campers had to ride an obstacle course and then bob for apples.

955085555_R9wHq-MAfter each camper completed their three activities, it was time to head to the waterfront for the Tribe Day Picnic Lunch, featuring the traditional foot long hotdogs, the traditional potato salad, and the traditional baked beans. Of course, dessert was the traditional watermelon. Now you may think that watermelon isn’t a great treat, however, there’s more to the watermelon than just dessert. After the campers were handed their watermelon, they all marched out on the swim docks for the traditional watermelon seed spitting. It’s quite a sight — just imagine 200 campers and counselors, dressed from head-to-toe in their tribe colors, all spitting watermelon seeds into Wolf Lake.

955080884_2MuQc-MAfter a much needed Tribe Day rest period, everyone changed into her swimsuit for Tribe Day swim and canoe relays. Highlights included the Put-Six-Campers-in-a-Canoe,- Give-Them-Empty-Buckets-and-See-Which-Tribe-Can-Sink-Every-Other-Tribe’s-Canoe race and, everybody’s favorite, The-Open-Faced-Peanut-Butter-Sandwich-on-the-Face Swim Relay.




When the campers finished up on the waterfront, they changed back into their tribe colors and headed to the Lodge to decorate for the traditional Tribe Banquet. That’s where the dining room tables are moved into the Lodge and grouped together so the tribes can sit together. Perhaps the best part of Tribe Banquet is dessert: the traditional Ice Cream Sundae Buffet. Finally, everyone headed back to the waterfront for the raising of the tribe flags. The Mundahmin’s flag ended up at the top of the flagpole. If you haven’t seen the Tribe Day Smugmug pictures, check them out.

Another example of how much fun camp can be was last night’s evening program. After the traditional Adventure Day Rainbow Burger BBQ, everyone headed to the archery field for Recess Night.  Campers and counselors scurried between the following school yard games: Bombardment, 4 Square, Double Dutch Jump Rope, Spud, Knock Out and Hop Scotch. There was also a generous supply of sidewalk chalk. Now, you may think that the campers would consider these games old-fashioned.  Well, what’s old is now new. The campers and counselors couldn’t have enjoyed themselves more. When the “Recess is Over” announcement was made, a chorus of boos could be heard all over camp.



By the way, during last Tuesday’s Adventure Day, the Cabin 2 Porch 2 counselors came up with a wonderful idea. They decided to produce their own music video. After shooting it, Mariana LaMadrid and Laine Schwarberg, two of the counselors, spent a few days secretly editing the footage and on Monday night, the whole camp was treated to the premier showing. It is pretty darn cute. Want to see it? Go to and take a look. (The video is password protected – email kathy@kamaji for the password.)

News from our Travel Department
Last Monday, two groups of 7 Pine Manor campers each returned from their week-long adventure to the White Otter Wilderness Area north of Atikokan, Ontario. This trip is the culmination to the Kamaji trip program. These groups canoed for hours and portaged between lakes in a true wilderness area. The memories of this trip will last a lifetime. Check out the Canadian pictures on Smugmug.

950768430_N5zUW-MDuring the rest of last week, a group of campers from the Cabin on the Hill also completed a four day canoe trip to Voyageurs National Park along the U.S./Canadian border. Cabin 2 Porch 1 went on a three day trip to Lake Andrusia and Cocoon went on a two day Mississippi River trip and the Hatchery gang completed their two day trip to Webster Lake. Also nine lucky campers went on a three day Lake Superior climbing trip to Minnesota’s beautiful North Shore. Check out Smugmug to see just how beautiful.

953125251_LBbK3-MThis week Cabin 3 Porch 2 headed out for a three day trip on the Crow Wing River, Tikinigan, Nutshell Porch 4 and Nutshell Porch 5 each went on their two-day Mississippi River trips and a lucky group of campers took an overnight horseback trip. Later this week, they’ll be another riding trip, Cabin 4 Porch 2 is taking an overnight trip to Webster Lake and Nutshell Porch 6 is taking a three day trip to Lake Andrusia. And the eight week Pine Manor campers will take Kamaji’s 100 year old, 27 foot canoes to Star Island! Whew, we’ll be busy right up to the end of the camping season.

Club Med Remains Quiet
The good news is that there isn’t much news from Kamaji’s Club Med. Alan Braverman, Kamaji’s Camp Doc for the past week reports some bruises, sniffles and poison ivy, but nothing more serious. Remember, if your daughter is admitted to Club Med or is taken to Bemidji for any medical reason, we’ll call you. Let’s hope the “Vacancy” sign stays lit at Club Med.

Weather News
While much of the you have been sweating every time you walk outside, we have enjoyed delightful weather. For the past two weeks we’ve had high temperatures between 75 and 82 degrees. We’ve had some rain, but happily it really hasn’t interrupted our program. For instance, on Tribe Day we had a couple of rain showers. One was during swim relays and we just  retreated to the lodge for a 10 minute songfest before returning to the waterfront. The other rain – more torrential-like – occurred during dinner, so it hardly mattered. That’s been the story of the summer: rain when we’re indoors. There have been plenty of picture perfect days, too. Yesterday, for instance was just about perfect. Sunny, nice breeze and a high temp of 81 degrees. And the forecast continues to be pretty good. Keep your fingers crossed.

That’s all for now. Sorry we haven’t written more. We’ve been having too much fun.

Mike, Kathy and Kat