
Kamaji’s harbor is home to a fleet of 4 X-boats, 6 Barnetts, a C-Scow, an E-Scow and 2 Hobie-Cats. Kamaji’s Sailing Program is unique because it is offered in a 2-hour block of time as opposed to the 1-hour blocks in which the other activities are taught.



At Kamaji we believe that we learn by doing, so campers are responsible for doing everything from rigging to de-rigging; learning proper crew position to points of sail; from steering to trimming the sail; from tacking to jibing; from capsizing to recovery; from crewing to skippering and from soloing to racing…to do that takes a lot of time!

We found that one hour barely allowed our campers the chance to get the sailboat out on the lake before having to turn back in. With this two-hour block of time, campers have more time to truly learn and practice all the skills required to sail.