
Wilderness Trips

Kamaji’s wilderness trips include camping, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, horseback riding, and climbing.



All of Kamaji’s campers have an opportunity to canoe and kayak lakes and rivers in Northern Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin and even Canada. These trips vary in length from two to eight days and are led by qualified, skilled and experienced trip leaders.

Before heading out on a wilderness trip, all campers must first complete some specific swimming and canoeing requirements. Too, all must participate in Kamaji’s Campcraft course where they learn how to cook campfire meals and pitch a tent and the importance of “leave no trace behind”.

While out on trips campers learn the importance of working as a group and how each member of the team can and should contribute in different ways. There will be campers who are strong paddlers but we also need campers willing to cook over the campfire or volunteer to do the dishes, each contribution is important.

Also, depending upon interest, skill ability, and experience, campers have the opportunity to go on overnight kayaking, horseback riding and even climbing trips.