Summer Notes from Camp Kamaji – June 22, 2011

GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN Since last August, Ye Directors have been anticipating the opening of Kamaji’s 98th camping season. We spent all “off-season” working toward June 18, 2011. Even when winter weather made camp seem so far off, we imagined campers bounding off...

Adventure Day Frolics

As Mike wrote in an earlier blog posted on July 21st “Most days at Kamaji, the campers attend four different instructional activity periods — two in the morning and two in the afternoon — and have a free period at the end of the afternoon. They don’t necessarily...

Anne Comes Home Today

(Published on Kamaji’s Blog August 15, 2009 but worth putting it front-and-center again) I woke abruptly, with a catch in my throat as I realized the immediacy of the day, both for myself and for her. I have missed her. I am aching to put my arms around her...