Be Brave and Be You at Camp Kamaji:
Summer Camp For Girls
Ready for your summer of fun at
Camp Kamaji!?
Who Runs Camp Kamaji in Minnesota?
Camp Kamaji is a sleepaway, summer camp for girls ages 7 through 16 years old located in Northern Minnesota, run by Kat Martin and Jason Nelson. Our mission is that…
Kamaji is a safe, happy, fun-filled place for campers to come unplug, try new activities, learn new skills, be silly and goofy, develop a true sense of self, be deliriously happy and make really strong friendships with campers and staff alike.
This summer at Kamaji won’t just be about the experiences you have climbing to the top of our climbing wall, portaging a canoe and sailing across the lake, it will also be the people you meet and the memories you make that will stay with you long after your camping days are over. It becomes a part of who you are.
At Kamaji, courage is celebrated. We encourage girls to come to our camp without knowing anyone else here, that takes courage. While here, campers are encouraged to try activities they have never done before and to challenge themselves to step outside of their comfort-zone in order to grow, learn, and develop their own independence. This takes courage they might not know they have (yet!) and is extremely empowering.
We recognize our campers for their individual accomplishments and efforts. If a camper wants to wear red cowboy boots every day around camp, she becomes a camp icon. If a camper stands up on stage during the Variety Show to sing a solo and gets stagefright, the campers in the audience sing along to encourage her. We recognize the courage and strength it takes to put yourself out there to go to a new place, meet new people and be true to who you are.
Because of that, our camp community rallies around each other to celebrate each other’s courage to do those things in this safe, encouraging, supportive and fun environment.
We hope you take some time to explore our website to learn more about who we are, our philosophy, our history, our activities, our special programs and about our staff.
We can’t wait to talk with you about how your camper will learn to Celebrate Courage this summer at Kamaji!
Camp Kamaji is pleased to partner with:
Your Summer at Camp Kamaji is going to be jam packed:
Summer camp is an incredibly fun and memorable experience, but sometimes grown-ups might take a little convincing.
Fill out the form below and send them an email that’s sure to convince them that you’d love to spend this summer at Kamaji- be sure to include some of the things you would learn from your time at Kamaji!
From Our Blog:
Summer Notes from Camp Kamaji – June 28, 2011
A DAY OF KAMAJI FIRSTS Ed. Note: If you have Google Earth on your computer, “My Places” will take you many of the mentioned in this note. You can also get a wonderful look at good ol’ Camp Kamaji.) Monday was another day of cool, cloudy, drizzly weather so waking up...
Summer Notes from Camp Kamaji – June 25, 2011
Well, the good news is that the early spring-like weather has given way to, well, summer. Shorts and t-shirts are the order of the day. Ye Directors like camp a lot when the sun is shining. This is just a short note to bring you up to date with a few details about...
Summer Notes from Camp Kamaji – June 22, 2011
GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN Since last August, Ye Directors have been anticipating the opening of Kamaji’s 98th camping season. We spent all “off-season” working toward June 18, 2011. Even when winter weather made camp seem so far off, we imagined campers bounding off...
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