Kamaji News – Whatever Floats Your Boat

Thursday’s evening program was really something special. It was the first-ever, Kamaji Float Parade. Each porch group created their own float for the parade, their own song to explain the theme of their float, and their own float costumes. You might be thinking that...

Kamaji News – August 4, 2010

First of all, I apologize for not writing more often. We’ve been busy with everyday camp life, and the time just got away from me. I’ll do better this next week. That said let’s review a few of the program highlights from the past week and a half. We must start with...

Adventure Day Frolics

As Mike wrote in an earlier blog posted on July 21st “Most days at Kamaji, the campers attend four different instructional activity periods — two in the morning and two in the afternoon — and have a free period at the end of the afternoon. They don’t necessarily...

Now We Know How Kamaji Camper Moms (and Dads)…

. . . spend their time while their daughters are at Kamaji!! The mom who sent in the picture (printed with permission of all present in the photo) writes: For the 3rd summer, many of your Chicago campers moms have enjoyed a lovely night out together w/o having to get...

Anne Comes Home Today

(Published on Kamaji’s Blog August 15, 2009 but worth putting it front-and-center again) I woke abruptly, with a catch in my throat as I realized the immediacy of the day, both for myself and for her. I have missed her. I am aching to put my arms around her...